
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. Douglas Adams

For the past three weeks, I’ve been sick. Like, very sick.

And also procrastinating. (More on this a bit later.)

But mostly sick.

Unfortunately, those three weeks included my deadline for getting my rough draft done. When I first fell ill, I was very upset with myself for not feeling up to writing and possibly missing my deadline.

But as I kept getting sicker, I also got more clarity. The deadline I was racing to meet was my own invention and my own schedule. And, thus could be changed. I won’t always have the ability to move a goal post like this, but this time I do.

So I let myself off the hook and gave my body time to heal. Interestingly, the rest/healing period has given me some time to brainstorm on one of my Future Rejections and I like what I’ve been able to piece together.