In order to try to actually get my rejection project done, I have blocked off two weekends on my calendar.
So here are some reflections from my first writing weekend:
Permission to write a sh*tty draft.
Not to toot my own horn, but I’m a pretty good writer. Usually I know exactly how I want to describe a scene, craft a sentence or build a paragraph. And it is beautiful.
But then there are the other days. Dark Days.
I’ll have a general idea of what I want to say but no real idea of how to write it or even, start it. My usual practice is to just wait until the words settle.
So I have to go to Plan B. Which is writing a sh*tty draft.
Because I know (I KNOW!) that writing is the only way to get the words out. Poor writing will become good writing if I give myself the permission to just get started.
So. Much. Whining.
I had chosen this. I had specifically chosen to focus on my writing this weekend.
And yet, Saturday morning dawned and I could not keep myself in my chair. I could not keep my writing software open. I simply didn’t want to write.
So I began to whine. Like a lot.
While I know that magical elves don’t appear in the middle of night and write my stories, I was definitely expecting to at least be excited about writing, rather than dreading every moment that I was in the chair.
However, I found that you can whine and type at the same time.
Employers Interrupt-us
As I believe I might have mentioned, I’m working quite a few jobs right now so weekends right now just mean that I’m not at ALL of my jobs, instead of actually truly a day where I’m not working any job.
Some of you can probably already see where this is going but for those who haven’t seen the plot twist yet, yes, I was working during a weekend I had blocked off for writing.
Yep. I am my own worst enemy.
Even with splitting my attention between work and writing, I still managed to unearth some gold and find some plot surprises that even I didn’t know. So cheers to the freakin’ (sh*tty draft) weekend!